The Discourse of Meaning of Jihad in Muhammadiyah Circle (A Hermeneutics Perspective)

The Discourse of Meaning of Jihad in
Muhammadiyah Circle (A Hermeneutics

This study focuses on the discourse about the meaning of Jihad that emerged in
the Muhammadiyah circle as one of the Islamic Organizations in Indonesia.
The discussion of meaning of Jihad as a way of peace or a way of war becomes
crucial amid radicalism, terrorism, violence movements and chaos waged on
behalf of religion. However, Muhammadiyah believes that the meaning of
Jihad is anti-war and anti-violence which strengthens the understanding of
Islam as the religion of rahmatan lil alamin (a mercy to all creation). This
belief is criticism and contra-discourse towards camps that perceive Jihad as
war and acts of violence. This study uses Paul Ricoeur’s Interpretation Theory
and focuses on the interpretation of the text based on the distinction between
the text and the reader. The method is Ricoeur’s hermeneutic method which
focuses on the distortion of language, discourse, and textuality. The study
shows that textually the meaning of Jihad among the Muhammadiyah circle is
jihad lil-muwajahah, or the struggle to tackle a challenge by creating a superior
movement, for example, “Jihad Konstitusi.” Muhammadiyah’s understanding
of the meaning of Jihad can be used as a counter-discourse on the meaning of
Jihad which well known as an act of terrorism.

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