Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Melalui Pemanfaatan Talas Beneng Sebagai Komoditas Unggulan Kelompok Tani Kelurahan Juhut, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten

Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Melalui Pemanfaatan Talas Beneng Sebagai Komoditas
Unggulan Kelompok Tani Kelurahan Juhut, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten

The activity has aimed to solve the existing problem
of farmers to develop the cultivation of Talas Beneng,
which has competitiveness towards the development
of creative Industries. Talas Beneng as one of Taro
varieties of large size products with high protein content and an attractive yellow colour. Bina Mandiri
Farmers’ group is a partner in this program, which is
located in Juhut Village. Their problems include (1)
the trend change of Talas Beneng products; (2) lack
of farmers’ knowledge and skill to cultivate the plant;
(3) lack of farmers’ ability to utilize information technology (internet) as a means of marketing and business management. The solution of the problems are
(1) the cultivation training of Talas Beneng oxalic
acid levels; (2) the improvement of human resource
capacity to manage the cultivation; (3) the training of
information technology use as a marketing tool for
the product; (4) the training of human resources capacity building in terms of management and finance.
The Target of program is improving the ability of the
target group in plant engineering knowledge, marketing and financial management with the support of the
Banten provincial government, partnerships with industry and academia.

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